WOW! Weather sure is balanced here. It's a good thing too because I almost chose to go to Antarctica and the Gondwana Desert. As a caring person, I chose to come here because these amazing sites may not be around forever. These environments are home rare reptiles and fantastic fish. Hopefully, they’ll let me jump off that waterfall!
Boy, it sure is hot out here! I guess that it was a great choice to come here. I came out here to be an Inquirer. While here, I found the difference in temperature of here and Stamford. I also learned that it takes 2 days of being stranded in the desert to hallucinate and oasis. HEY! Is that a pool behind me?
WOW! What a contraption of art! Rome is very different than Stamford. You have to be very open-minded. People here are different, so you have to keep an open-mind. I came here to experience new culture and activities. So far I got to fight in the Mini-Colosseum. SHOOT! Gotta-run, Augustus is chasing me!
AHHHHHHH! I’m falling! Hey, look it’s James Bond! Just kidding, it’s only my good friend Chuck Berry. Chuck is a professional “Red Bulls” skydiver. I don’t even know how he dragged me into this. Chuck has taught me that technology varies beyond phone and laptop. As a digital citizen, I was exposed to new parachute technology and a special Go-Pro helmet. Thanks Chuck!
WOW! Didn’t see you there! Oh, not you, I meant Mt. Fuji. What a relief that I finally found it too. I’ve climbed around 650 feet already and still have a while to go. I knowledgeable to walk up steps to get here. Yeah, I’m burning those calories! However, oxygen is lower up here and I’m almost out of breath. C’mon only 11,738 feet left to go!